6.0 Program Customisation

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NetFinder has many options which are presented in four different categories. Each is shown as a separate "pane" within the NetFinder Preferences window.

To configure NetFinder, start it up and select the "Preferences..." menu option from the File menu. The NetFinder Preferences window will then open.

6.1 Common Items

In each displayed pane are some common buttons and controls. They are:

6.2 Connections Pane

For FTP Connections:

Log to disk:

6.3 Listings Pane

For directory listings:

6.4 Display Pane

Listing Windows:

6.5 Downloading Pane

Download files:

"Intelligent" options:

Some files are encoded in Binhex 4.0 but are stored on FTP servers as a MacBinary file (ie, they are Binhex 4.0 files buried inside a MacBinary file). To confuse matters more, they are usually given the name "myFile.sit.hqx" instead of "myFile.sit.hqx.bin". If NetFinder decodes the first data it sees, it will store a Binhex 4.0 file on your Mac's disk and you will think that it has failed to decode the file (even though it has decoded something). To work around this, NetFinder can be told to look first for the Binhex 4.0 data, even if it's buried inside a MacBinary wrapper. The available choices are:

For duplicate filenames:

Download location:

This option shows you where files and folders will be downloaded to if you double click them or use command-down-arrow/command-O on them. The options are:

6.5 Post-Download Pane

Interrupted downloads:

After downloading:

6.7 Uploading Pane

Upload files:

Upload invisible files/folders

When not checked, invisible Mac files are not uploaded. Files like your desktop database. After all, who else wants to see all of that stuff on your hard disk? :-O
When checked, invisible files are uploaded. So you really do want to inflict your AppleShare preferences on everyone, eh? ;-)

Default upload permissions:

These options control the permissions given to files that you upload to a FTP server. The options are:

Active: when checked, uploaded files/folders will have their permissions set to the value shown in the window. When unchecked, uploaded items will not have their permissions set. Their permissions will be whatever the server sets new files to by default. Note that this option takes effect when you log in to a FTP server so you may need to re-login if you change the value in this dialog.

Owner/Group/Everyone/Read/Write/Execute checkboxes: these allow you to change the default upload permissions. Just click the appropriate checkboxes. Most of the time you'll want the "755" permissions setting (only the owner can alter files but everyone else can see them).

6.8 General Pane

Display splash screen:

When not checked, the splash screen only stays open for the shortest possible time (the time it takes to start up the program). The ability to disable the splash screen is only available in the registered version.

When checked, the splash screen stays open for about 8-10 seconds. Unregistered versions always have this (somewhat annoying) delay.

Export passwords in URLs:

When not checked, URLs that you copy / drag / save will not have passwords included in them.

When checked, URLs that you copy / drag / save will have passwords included in them.

To be precise, "copy" means "copy to clipboard", "drag" means "drag icon or URL out of a NetFinder window (listing or New Connection)", and "save" means "save in a bookmark file" or "save as the default URL in the New FTP Connection dialog".

Show "New FTP Connection" dialog on startup:

When checked, NetFinder will display the "New FTP Connection" dialog when it starts up without a bookmark file (in other words, when you double click it or when another program starts up NetFinder with a GetURL request).

When unchecked, NetFinder never displays the "New FTP Connection" dialog when it starts up.

Tell Netscape to use NetFinder for FTP URLs:

When checked, Netscape will direct its FTP transfers to NetFinder. You must NOT have Netscape running when you try to change this option otherwise NetFinder may not be able to change the setting in Netscape.

Always bring NetFinder to the foreground:

When checked, NetFinder will be brought to the front when it is asked to get a URL (for example, when you click a FTP URL in Netscape).

Use ISO 8859-1 translation on file names:

When checked, NetFinder will apple ISO 8859-1 translation to FTP files and folders. This is useful if the site you are connected to uses ISO 8859-1 encoding for its file/folder names. If the site uses only English names, you probably will not need this option on.

Command compatibility:

Several FTP servers cannot process commands with paths in them. To access files on these sites, you need to use the Compatible mode. An example of a server which requires this is the Rumpus FTP server for Macintoshes.

6.9 Getting Attention Pane

Speech/sound options:

When my attention is needed:

6.10 Using Custom Internet Config Settings

Why would I need this feature?

If you need to have more than one set of Internet settings like email addresses, download folders, display fonts, file extension mappings, and so on, you can use a custom "Internet Config Preferences" file to get multiple sets of settings. One example: you are a webmistress and you need to transfer files of particular extensions in one way but you also want a general set for when you go surfing. You need custom preferences. Another example: your family members each have a different email address or prefer to have different fonts or file extension mappings. Each person should have a custom preferences file to suit her/his tastes or needs.

OK, I need this feature. How do I get it to work?

To get this to work, you first need to set up your custom settings using Internet Config. Here's what to do:

  1. start Internet Config
  2. choose "Save as..." from the File menu
  3. give your new settings file a distinct name (eg, "Bob's Internet Preferences") and click Save
  4. change whatever Internet Config settings you want to change
  5. save those changes to the new file using command-S
After setting up the file, you can now use it with NetFinder. The first time you want to use it in NetFinder, drag and drop the custom settings file onto NetFinder's icon. Doing this will load the preferences in and change the settings file's icon to a NetFinder icon (its contents are not changed however). Thereafter, you can double click the settings file to load its settings into NetFinder. To change the settings inside it, just drag and drop it onto Internet Config.

Note: you can switch settings whenever you like - you don't have to quit and restart NetFinder.

Note: listing windows have to be closed and re-opened for the new settings to take effect in those windows. For example, a new display font is not used straight way in all opened windows; it is used only in newly opened windows.

Tip: make your most often used settings the default Internet Config preferences and put your less used settings in a custom settings file. This will save you from switching them more often than necessary and you won't need to remember to double click the preferences file unless it is needed.

IMPORTANT: users of previous versions of NetFinder must rebuild the desktop database of the volume that NetFinder is on to get the drag and drop functionality. If you don't, you won't be able to drop any custom settings files on NetFinder.

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Copyright © 1997, Peter Li and Vincent Tan.